Earn a Master’s Certificate in Biblical Studies Online
Over 90% of the world’s churches have 100 members or less. Most of these cannot support a full-time pastor, church staff or lay leadership. Often, therefore, the pastor and lay leadership have other full-time employment to provide financial support. While many have advanced degrees in their secular work fields, they may not have had the opportunity to pursue education from a traditional seminary or courses specifically targeted toward solid biblical theology and the practical aspects of ministry. For most pastors outside the United States, such education was never a possibility. . . until now! Here is what you should consider:
A solid understanding of what the Bible teaches about God, His relationship to man and His plans for redemption (theology) are the foundation of any Christian ministry.
The ability to communicate those truths is essential to effective ministry.
The skills to discern and address false teaching is vitally important in our time.
Making disciples, much less disciple-makers, is impossible without a strong, applicable theological foundation.
Weak, unsupported faith is the prime target for Satanic attack.
Traditionally, Christian leaders would set aside two to three years to attend a seminary on campus prior to entering full-time ministry. More recently, those traditional schools have offered online courses with only occasional campus visits. The tuition, however, remains out of reach for many pastors and lay leaders.
Solution: The Pastorsworkshop Seminary
Pastors, church staff members and lay leaders alike are welcome to take advantage of this study program, regardless of your past educational achievement. The purpose of this program is to equip busy Christian leaders with a solid theological basis for faith, tools to defend that faith and practical guidance on church leadership. Our motto is:
Affordable – Practical – Obtainable
To lower tuition costs theMaster’s Certificate in Biblical Studies is available without formal accreditation from an expensive governing academic body, though an accredited track is available at a higher cost through our strategic educational partners. Pastorsworkshop is duly registered and tax-exempt status approval is pending for our scholarship fund. Consider this:
Our faculty have all achieved advanced seminary degrees, most with their doctoral degrees from traditional seminaries, some with multiple earned doctorates.
Pastorsworkshop Seminary is recognized by the Florida (U.S.) Department of Education as a Religious Education Institution.
The tuition is low because there is no large campus, buildings or salaries requiring financial endowment or support.
The course content is the same conservative, Biblical and solid content one would expect from a traditional seminary-level education. While the language has been made more comfortable, the substance has not been diluted.
The entire course is available via online digital video teaching by our faculty. There are no required trips to a campus, even for graduation, no additional books to buy and no hidden fees.
The application/enrollment fee is $47.95 and must accompany your application. Once you complete the online form and are accepted as a student, you will be taken to a secure site for one-time tuition payment. [See note on scholarships below.] You will then be given a unique, secure login id and password to access the courses.
Pastorsworkshop Seminary is recognized by the Florida Department of Education as a Religious Education Institution.
Watch the free Welcome and Course Overview videos here.
Click here to view the course curriculum:
Courses available via video on Private YouTube
Channel or Pastorsworkshop Dedicated Channel
Printed Materials via the website
The purpose of the Pastorsworkshop video training course is to provide seminary-content education via the internet targeted especially to bi-vocational and small church pastors and laymen who would otherwise have no such educational opportunity. The content is conservative and evangelical in substance and provided at a “learning-comfortable” level for students with no prior graduate school experience. Our working motto is:
Affordable, Practical, Obtainable
Each student may determine his own pacing for course completion. However, we believe the serious student should complete the course work in two calendar years or sooner. Upon completion of one-half the course curriculum the student will receive a complimentary Study Bible (a $60 value) as our gift to you. Then, upon successful completion the student will be issued a Masters Certificate in Theology which will provide proof of your studies.
To become a student of the Pastorsworkshop Master’s in Theology Certificate program, please follow these steps:
The one-time Enrolment Fee is $47.95, payable through the website or via the physical address provided. NOTE: A donation of any amount toward this fee is acceptable for all non-U.S. students and may be waived for others on a case-by-case basis. Please ask about scholarship information. The Enrollment Fee covers all tuition, materials and instructional costs. There are no additional fees for this program.
Once accepted each student will be emailed a course of study overview, unique Login ID and Password for proceeding. You will be required to view videos on YouTube or a discreet Pastorsworkshop channel in sequence, then complete certain paperwork related to each video, all of which is done online. You may not proceed to any successive video until the paperwork has been completed and approved for each component of the coursework.
Groups of students are encouraged to view the videos together as a support group and virtual “class.” However, each student desiring credit must be enrolled and complete their own paperwork for an individual credit toward the certificate.
Upon completion of each course component the student will receive notice of his “grade”, which will be noted as either “Pass” or “Needs Work” with notes to assist in that process. A total passing grade of 80% is required to receive the Masters Certificate in Theology.
The Curriculum and Course Outline are as follows:
I. Theology
Overview – Summary of the whole Bible
The Doctrine of the Bible
The Doctrine of God
The Doctrine of Christ
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
The Doctrine of Man
The Doctrine of Salvation & Eternal Life (Soteriology)
The Doctrine of Spiritual Growth (Discipleship and The Church)
The Doctrine of Spiritual Warfare
The Doctrine of End Times, Heaven and Hell (Eschatology)
The Doctrine of Sharing Your Faith (Evangelism)
The Doctrine of Defending Your Faith (Apologetics)
The Doctrine of Finding Your Life Purpose
II. Hermeneutics
Principles of Accurate Biblical Interpretation
Survey of the Old Testament
Survey of the New Testament
III. Biblical Languages
Introduction to Basic Hebrew (How to use the best study tools available) (Optional)
Introduction to Basic Greek (How to use the best study tools available)
[NOTE: No attempt is made to prepare the student for professional or scholarly language translation or interpretation. However, you will learn the alphabet of each language and reading skills sufficient to accurately pronounce and research words in each language. This will open an entirely new world of Bible study for each student!]
IV. Homiletics
Principles of Preaching and Teaching God’s Word
How to Prepare a Sermon
How to Prepare a Teaching Lesson
The Art of Giving an Invitation
[NOTE: Awarding of complimentary Study Bible upon completion of this work.]
V. Worship
LESSON 1- The Practice of Worship (John 4)
LESSON 2- Preparation for Worship (2 Chronicles 5)
LESSON 3- Practical Application of Worship (Col. 3:16 and Eph. 5:19)
LESSON 4- Designing an Effective Worship Service
LESSON 5- Worship team Spiritual Growth (Psalm 150)
LESSON 6- Excellence in Worship (2 Chron. 5)
VI. Christian Leadership
Biblical Principles of Leadership
Self-assessment of your Leadership Style
How to Attract, Train and Maximize Volunteers
Church Administration – Applying the best Business and Personnel Techniques to
“How To” Topics of Pastoral Work:
How to:
. . . Put together a church budget
. . . Baptize a new believer
. . . Conduct a Wedding
. . . Conduct a Funeral
. . . Lead Communion / The Lord’s Supper
. . . Conduct a Hospital Visit (and how NOT to!)
VII. Christian Education
The Importance of Christian Education and Discipleship
How People Learn (Seven Laws of the Learner)
VIII. Pastoral Counseling
Biblical view of the Psyche: How we’re made: (body, soul, and spirit); How the brain serves the mind; Role of thinking on attitude, mood, and behavior.
Biblical model for understanding a “presenting problem”, (Note, the presenting problem is rarely the real problem):
Common problem areas for couples:
Role expectations
Spending priorities
Lack of Intimacy
Parenting issues
Common issues for individuals:
Anxiety/ Fear
Warning: Danger Ahead
Know your limitations as a counselor. Develop a referral system. Use it without hesitation.
Understand legalities of mandatory reporting, confidentiality issues.
Beware transference. How to know when you are in danger. What to do when you are.
Establish boundaries ahead of time: Who will you see? Who won’t you see? Door open or closed? To whom will you be accountable? How?
What to do when the pastor needs a counselor/coach.
IX. Christian Ethics
A Biblical Foundation
Applying Biblical Ethics to Everyday Life
X. Missiology
Introduction to the Why, What and How of Missions, both past and present.
Course Completion and Graduation
Awarding the Masters Certificate in Theology
If you are interested in becoming a tuition-free Regional Director for your area, please email your request for information to bob@pastorsworkshop.com.
Please submit your enrollment form today to begin this exciting journey. Once the application/enrollment fee of $47.95 has been submitted, and you have been enrolled, you will need to process payment of the full tuition ($2,495 U.S.), or indicate (1) Your need for a scholarship with explanation; and, (2) Make a donation of any amount to indicate your commitment to this course and those who provide this service. Upon completion, simply click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Once your application is received and approved, you will be sent via email a unique User ID and Login Code to access the video teaching and printed materials, including required tests. No one else may use this code. Further instructions will appear in the Introductory Video prepared just for new students. This is the first video you will view online.
Please look in your junk or spam email folder for our confirmation emails if you do not receive them.
Seminary Course Enrollment Form
Pastorsworkshop Scholarship Fund
This fund has been established to assist with tuition costs for Christian leaders outside the United States. To apply for assistance, please complete your enrollment form and indicate you are requesting a scholarship. Once approved, a donation of any amount is accepted, and a scholarship covers the remaining tuition costs.